Friday, September 23, 2005

Messieurs-dames, je vous presente...

my Web site.

This is what we call a "soft launch" - meaning a great deal of work remains to be done, most of it to do with posting the remaining portfolios and shuffling about the ones that are there.

I'm doing this because I know myself well enough to realize that if I continue to hold the launch until the site is in a state of pristine finish, nobody will ever see it except my family.

If you visit, I promise you won't encounter any little animated "under construction" banners.

Coming on Monday...

More knitting!

At work, we're in the throes of reunions right now, which means even though I'm a web design person, I am being called out of the attic to lend a hand in fetching and carrying and kowtowing and bootlicking* and all the other fun stuff that is foisted upon the professional staff.

This means very little personal time for me, which means you have to wait until Monday to see the perfectly splendid gift (I will not call it an RAOK - nothing this lovely happens randomly) bestowed on me by a certain Mile High blogger.

You'll also (I think) get the first photos of the Rhinebeck Sweater in something akin to a finished state. I picked up the stitches for the body hem last night, and would raise a great fuss about it were it not for the example of people like Jean Miles, who pick up 850 laces stitches as though it were child's play.

Now do please go play with my Web site. Just mind the paint, some of it is still wet.

*Not the fun kind. We don't have stuff like that at reunions. If only.


  1. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Its a beautiful website - so elegant. And your photography is amazing. I need to find more time so I can give each image the time it deserves. You're so talented. Best of luck to you.

  2. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Wow Franklin. Just wow.

  3. Anonymous2:19 PM

    I'm glad you decided to launch it. It doesn't seem unfinished though clearly you will add more, but won't you always. The only comment I would make is that navigating each portfolio would be easier with some next and previous arrows or buttons. Maybe that's on your list already.

    Your photographs are beautiful. This decision to really give photography a go professionally was clearly a good one.

  4. Can't decide between "The Chute Gang" and the Danube photo of the Winged Mercury pointing into someone's open apartment window... I kept looking and smiling. I'm glad you decided to call yourself an artist, Franklin -because it's the truth.

  5. so awesome, thanks for sharing!

  6. looks great, Franklin! another milestone, or stepping stone, or something like that, on the path to wherever you're going.

    sorry, I've been reading too much Buddhist crap lately.

    seriously, though, it looks completely professional and the portfolios are wonderful. I like the description of your work on the homepage. beautiful, and adds an extra dimension of pleasure to viewing the work. I'm so happy that this is really happening for you!

  7. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Oh, it's a beautiful site!

  8. Anonymous5:06 PM

    I ADORE VĂ¡ci utca, Budapest picture. I can't wait to see the others that are upcoming.

  9. Your photographs have a clarity that I find remarkable. I think I like the folkdancers the best. Or maybe the flowerseller.

    Definitely the Danube pictures call to me more than the rodeo pictures, although the action was great.

    However, I agree with jove--clicking on numbers rather than having each photo segue into the next smoothly is somewhat problematic. But the look of the site is wonderful and inviting.

  10. A wonderful site, and amazing photos. Fort Worth, Texas is one of my favorite places to visit..thanks for sharing another part of yourself with us.

    The excellence shines through in everything that you do.

  11. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Gawd. It is just too late at night for this shrugless sugar to be looking at male rodeos, gay or otherwise...

    You are awesome. Plain and simple.

    Okay, not so simple. And clearly not so plain either.

    You're just awesome :-)Even if I can't make a word out of what I have to type to tell you so...

  12. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Wow Franklin! It's a great site. It's uncluttered and there's nothing that moves (I see far too much of that ), and the images are very clean. Some of my favorites were your grandmothers' room, the flower seller, and the winged Mercury pointing at the apartment window.

    Your prices are reasonable and I want a poster of the faces of Chicago!

  13. Franklin, you are one of the most amazingly talented people I know. Your website is lovely and your pictures ... I'm speechless.

    Yes, me.

    Not for long -- enjoy it while it lasts. *g*

  14. Anonymous4:08 AM

    Beautiful, simply lovely. ::golf clap:: It's quite inviting.

  15. There's a good kind of bootlicking? Who knew.

    Love the site! Love the copy, love the layout, love the content. (Not so fond of the color scheme, but that's just me.)

    I'm so proud of you! Makes me wanna run right out and do something creative.

  16. Oh I LOVE it!!! I think the photos of Europe ate gorgeous but just loved the ones of the gay rodeo. Having lived in Texas for 8 years, I've been to a couple gay rodeos with my friend Michael. I especially loved photo #9!

    Well done!

  17. The hardest thing for any artist to do is put their work into the public domain. Every piece captures a piece of yourself as well as the subject. Never doubt in your ability to please the viewer. I, like everyone else who has commented, have been moved by your work. (But then, gosh dang it, I suppose I've always been partial to a cowboy!)

  18. Deeeeaamn, you're good. Nice job.

  19. That new website's gorgeous. Wish I could get you to do some stuff for White Crane. Or let us feature some of your work.

  20. This is a fantastic website and I can not recommend you guys enough. Full of useful resource and great layout very easy on the eyes. Ibcbet

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