Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Not That Kind of Blog

I think I've arrived. I checked my statistics during a lull in the afternoon and found that somebody reached this blog by typing in "pantyhose party pictures."

To the pervert in question, I can only apologize for what must have been crushing disappointment.

(Pantyhose party? Do I have any straight men reading this who could clue me in on what a pantyhose party is?)


  1. How do you know they were straight?

    I wondered where they got "pantyhose" and then remembered all the dress code discussions from the "attic" post. Hee hee.

    I am determined to be ungooglable, but this kind of thing almost makes me change my mind. My friend Knit Wit did two "how did people get here?" posts on her blog (one - two), and they were just about the funniest thing she ever wrote, imo.

    As you are just about the funniest person I ever knew, is there anything else you care to share about your own "how did they get here" statistics? Pretty please?

    Anyone get there via "hot gym gay sauna scene towel cough"? Hmm. I think I'll try it.

  2. Wow. I didn't get your blog but I think I found a kindred spirit. What are the chances???

    The strange thing: I left out the word "gay" to avoid getting porn on my mom's computer.

    But I got a queer girl all the same.

  3. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Sweetie, have you been posting comments to Joyce DeWitt's Sheer Energy blog again? Tsk!

  4. Anonymous9:03 AM

    It's entertaing isn't it? I check my search referrers daily... they all seem to have to do with topless sex lately though, and as a result those words have lost their novelty status. I did get one, however, "a itty bitty man like me." We can file that under Didn't Need To Know...

  5. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Pantyhose what?!? Dios mio!
    Well, I heard you weren't feeling well, so I hope you get to feeling better. You doing chicken soup or something equally healthy?
    What's your latest knitting project these days?

  6. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Sigh. How do I know these things? I have no idea.

    There are certain, umm, people, who have a fetish about, ummm, getting down to the knitty gritty and it involves women in ripped pantyhose.

  7. Ripped pantyhose? That's as outre as plush parties, which, while totally fine by me, are a phenom I UTTERLY FAIL TO GROK.

  8. Anonymous10:55 AM

    A friend of mine (straight girl) was invited to a 'pantyhose posy party'! I kid you not. Apparently you take clean, used, no longer wanted pantyhose of varying shades, and the party host teaches you how to make a lovely pantyhose posy bouquet using said hose and wire hangers!! I told my friend she MUST take me with her just because I want the pictures!

  9. So Joel, it was YOU googling "pantyhose party pictures!"
