Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Kind Hearts and Cowboy Hats

Cowtown Rodeo, Ft. Worth, 2005
Originally uploaded by panopticon.

Back from Texas. And while it's nice to be home, I did indeed have a mighty fine time.

On Friday morning I tossed off a quick blog entry about the first night, but didn't really get a chance to go through e-mail - and now suddenly I find there's a pile of encouraging and very kind comments in here.

So, this is a thanks to all of you who have taken the time to write after reading and looking. I mean it when I tell you that it makes a difference to me.

The cowboy above is for Felicia, since she made a special request for "hunkalicious" cowboys. "Hunkalicious." Useful word, that.

There's lots more where he came from, too. All told, I shot about 600 frames, of which about 50 are keepers and probably 10 might have portfolio potential. I can live with that.

I'll write more soon about how it all was, and post more of the shots as they're made ready, but right now it's definitely time to crawl under the quilt, hug my teddy bear, and collapse.


  1. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Welcome home babe! I want to see more cowboys and their, um, big belt buckles...LOL


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  8. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Love me some good cowboy style! Recently went to a SASS event that did cowboy shooting(I've only really practiced with a few revolvers and 22 rifles like https://gritrsports.com/shooting/firearms/rifles/22-rifles/ so it was really tough!)
